Slow walkers, incorrect apostrophe usage, people who don't use their blinkers, and people who don't know how to go through airport security. If you've ever wondered just what exactly pisses us off, then you're going to love this episode! We chat about all of our little annoyances and pet peeves and generally spend an hour being delightfully judge-y... but in like, a charming way!

Shout out to Happily Ever Haunted! Happily Ever Haunted is a paranormal podcast brought to you by husband and wife duo Milton and Bailie! They discuss everything from Men in Black conspiracies to Bloody Mary. Give it a listen and be sure to follow the show on Twitter @HEHpodcast and Instagram @happilyeverhaunterpodcast.

Andree: 1803 Candles (Specifically Cedarwood Orchard).
Mariah: Get up and do something active!
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