ANDREE GOT A JOB! Well, half a job. A part-time job. After 5 months of unemployment (#ThanksCorona), Andree is finally, once again, employed... well, half employed. In honor of Andree’s new job, we have dedicated this episode to talking about all things job related. Jobs we would never want, our dream jobs, job hunting, and all the jobs we’ve had before.

Oh yeah, Andree’s neighbor also pooped in their yard... you’ll have to listen to the episode for that story.
Mom, saying I swear a lot in this episode feels redundant at this point. Just assume that I curse a lot in all of the episodes. But otherwise, you’ll like this one!
Shout out to Books That Burn! Books That Burn is a book review podcast where hosts, Robin and Nicole, discuss how authors treat and traumatize their characters. Be sure to give them a listen and follow them on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @booksthatburn.

Andree: Go create something. Channel your creativity and make something just for you! Also, if you enjoy hand-lettering like Andree, try out Karin Brushmarker PRO markers.
Mariah: Adorn yourself with a fun accessory! Be a little extra and wear some funky earrings or a printed scarf, maybe a cool belt. Whatever makes you feel extra happy!
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